Monday, September 29, 2008

Proposition 7

Normally, I don't like to talk about politics because it is such a touchy subject; however, I had to point this out because it relates to solar energy. Prop 7 is something that we all should be paying attention to when November 4th rolls around.

I'm not going to tell you which way you should vote but here is some background information on Proposition 7:

According to the Legislative Analyst's Office,
This measure makes a number of changes regarding RPS (renewables portfolio standard) and the permitting of electricity generating facilities and transmission lines. Primarily, the measure:
  • Establishes additional, higher RPS targets for electricity providers.
  • Makes RPS requirements enforceable on publicly owned utilities.
  • Changes the process for defining “market price of electricity.”
  • Changes the cost cap provisions that limit electricity provider obligations under the RPS.
  • Expands scope of RPS enforcement.
  • Revises RPS-related contracting period and obligations.
  • Sets a lower penalty rate in statute and removes the cap on the total penalty amount for failure to meet RPS requirements.
  • Directs the use of RPS penalty revenues.
  • Expands Energy Commission’s permitting authority.
Hopefully this video will also help sum things up:

The bottom line is...

Do your research, and vote wisely.


Anonymous said...

I think it is true that people should do their research and vote wisely on this Initiative. I watched the video you linked to and it is a good start, but fails to point out that the opposition is completely funded by the utility companies. Seems like something everyone should know about as they begin their research. Found out about it at this blog:

qwerty said...

Don't believe the lies of the utilities who are only interested in their money! Edison was fined 146 million 2 weeks ago for falsifying safety records and forging customer satisfaction! I think that sums its up. I've done the research and Prop 7 will open up and entirely new market for renewables, create 370,000 new high wage construction jobs in CA, cap prices at 3% to protect the consumer (which really piss off the utilities) Prop 7 is an aggressive but reachable goal. WE MUST PASS IT!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the video shows the league of conservation voters as being opposed. They've taken thousands from the Big Utilities over the years - not to mention they actually brag about how their big events are sponsored by PG&E and the other Big Utilities. Or that the CLCV's board members are PG&E and SDG&E executives. Don't drink the cool-aid!

Kelly Rivas said...

Yup. Did my research - 16+ pages of it from the voter guide book alone! Then I found the Air Resources Board report about the health and economic benefits of AB32 (the existing law proposition 7 will enforce and extend) and was quite satisfied with my decision to vote YES on it. ( )

Do check it out for yourself. Trina and Ali make excellent points as well that were verified when I checked the CA Secretary of State guide for campaign expenditures. You can check that out too at: