The prototype of an aircraft, to be propelled entirely by solar power even at night, has already been successfully tested for a 'flea hop' or a short flight. Scientists and engineers are working full-steam to fly the aircraft around the world for 36 hours through day and night in the spring or summer of 2010, Bertrand Piccard, the driving force behind the Solar Impulse project and its test pilot, told PTI.
The Beautiful Earth Group, a Columbia Street “green” energy company, has set up Brooklyn’s first solar power array for the express purpose of charging electric cars.
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) will likely become cost competitive in the next 12 months, as oil and gas prices are increasing to oil expected to selling at above 100 US dollars and the costs for CSP technology are sinking due to productivity improvements.
TIME named Solar Shingle the 13th best invention of 2009. Dow Chemical Co. developed the Solar Shingle, a type of roof shingle that doubles as a solar panel.
Solar is really in and everyone should be considering it.
California Public Utilities Commission has approved a plan for local utility Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) to buy space-based solar power from Solaren Corp. As part of the contract, PG&E will purchase 1,700 gigawatt hours each year for 15 years. That's enough to generate power for thousands of homes. HERE...
Space-based solar power has the advantage of being available 24/7, unlike ground-based solar panels that only work during the day.
Szymon Klimek is a craftsman of tiny model engines. He makes functional models of antique cars, bicycles, ships and more that are tiny enough to fit in a wine glass and have a solar panel to energize its gears.
GE plans to put its solar business into action two years from now. The company wants to produce solar panels, and also sell them. The silicon cells that GE wants to use are more efficient by 20% in converting the solar energy into electricity.
M&M chocolate candies just took on a new shade of green. Mars Candy recently installed the nation’s largest photovoltaic array at a food production facility in Hackettstown, New Jersey.
Researchers are hoping to improve solar energy installations by coupling a solar panel to an efficient hydrolysis unit that splits water into oxygen and hydrogen.
Scientists in Georgia have a prototype 3D solar panel which can capture sunlight from nearly every angle and transform it into electricity. The panels use nanotechnology and are shaped like city buildings. It also has a thicker coating so it absorbs more sunlight.
Iberdrola is planning to invest $4.7 million in the first round of investing solar panels. They want to buy the panels and distribute them around the world. Iberdrola is the worlds largest wind fan generator company.
In the past few years, something remarkable has emerged on a dry plateau in the Spanish province of Granada. The Andasol plant stores heat from the day in molten salt, which then powers electricity turbines overnight. The plant can continue for 7½ hours without sunlight, and more advanced plants coming online in the next few years are set to double that storage time.
In 3rd world countries, solar technology may now be used to detect malaria in a person’s salvia. This is done by a solar-activated mosquito-larva poison,. Also, equipping mobile phones with microphones to record people’s coughs and allow pneumonia to be diagnosed remotely.
In Iraq, hospitals are giving patients new hope with solar technology. They can give patients the care they need for 24 hours a day. In Iraq, they have a lot of blackouts. The solar panels will be able to power all the hospital power needs.
The technology of these solar powers is a huge innovation for countries that don’t have fluid electricity like the United States. It gives people new hope.
With a SolarCity residential lease, customers can lease a system at no money down, and in many areas, save 10% to 15% a month on their combined electric and lease-payment bill.
Solar power could be produced cheaply in specially designed optical fibres. Instead of roof-sized panels, small collectors could be used on the roof, with the real machinery of solar power generation tucked away.
India has proven very ambitious in advancing their solar awareness and have started many promotions to fund this idea. That being said, there are many people that are beginning to doubt the validity to these claims. They unveiled a 19 billion dollar plan to get this plan in motion but they have not taken into account the different market conditions and they might be way off base with their projections. They had a similar plan in 2008 that fared very poorly and various experts in the field have compared the past proposal to the current one. HERE...
India is trying to become solar efficient but needs new strategy
The headline says it all and reaffirms the fact that California has the potential for a great stimulus and economy if run correctly. CA's direct growth consitutes nearly 2/3 of the entire nation's solar capacity. This has been going on for nearly 10 years and they have many programs that directly influence this and give motivation to people in this industry. New Jersey is second among states but is very far behind California's consistent output. The movement has grown out of the biggest cities (Sacramento and San Francisco) and has taken over the state. Good news for a state in the middle of budget crises.
Every gadget needs a bit of solar power. Fortunately if you own an iPod Touch or an iPhone, the Novothink Surge Solar Charger is coming to Australia. More HERE...
Not only is it available in the US. It's going to be available internationally including, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Interesting article on the improvements that the world has made in solar technology. Africa is even getting involved in the act and different countries are trying to find different ways to implement solar technolgoy in there to provide basic utilities to the poor in Africa. Obviously, Africa has an abundance of sunlight and they would hopefully be able to capitalize on that enough as to provide them with better utilities and improve their standard of living. They do stress that this is an even swap and they are not just looking to "bailout" the people of Africa.
More HERE...
Step in the right direction for Africa's standard of living
The government has plowed so much cash into the solar industry that it's effectively pulled the luxury tag off of home solar systems. Combined with local incentives, buyers can save up to 90 percent on a system, whether it's for a single-family home or a 75-unit condo in the city.
Rain didn't ruin the 2009 Solar Decathlon in Washington, D.C. University teams successfully operated 20 net-zero, grid-connected solar power homes for a week on the National Mall.
Nanosolar decided to end a 6 year hiatus and continue their operations. They have an assembly base near Berlin. They have another plant in San Jose, CA and are continuing improvements in the solar technology industry. Nanosolar has been responsible for some notable accomplishments in the past. For example, their efficiency in cells is the best in the industry and they also can produce their modules cheaper than any other company.
Plastic Package Inc., which manufactures 100-percent post consumer recycled plastic containers, said it will installing the largest cylindrical thin film solar system west of New Jersey to power its operations.
Google is implementing new strategies that will cut their costs substantially. Some reports have it almost a 60% reduction in overall costs and emissions. The interesting aspect of this is that Google was apparently not impressed by the industry's level of efficiency so they decided to venture into it themselves. They began working on their own product in 2007 and have made great strides since then. They are primarily focusing on solar thermal technology.
Dow Chemical is making rooftop solar power covert with its solar shingles, expected to be released next year. The solar shingles, which can be integrated into regular asphalt rooftop shingles, ditch traditional polysilicon solar cells for thin-film copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) cells.
This article illustrates some different concepts between electricity and solar technology. Obviously, we need to start using solar technology more so we can stop burning fossil fuels and harming the planet. There have been different advancements in technology lately. Some of these inventions have to do with ipods, tv's, cell phones and even computers. The future looks bright for solar technology.
This article is illustrating at how China has chosen to utilize their resources in order to be a leading country in the solar technology industry. China has become the front runner at producing "green" materials. China has decreased costs on solar panels by almost 50% so far and they are looking to decrease it even further. They are also looking into opening different solar technology factories in the United States so other companies can take advantage of tax cuts that Obama has offered if you buy nationally.
Great article on the Vatican unleashing a new solar technology that will have 2,400 panels. There were various companies that donated money to make this possible as the total cost of the project was 1.6 million dollars. The Vatican will have their program on 740 acres. They are hoping for these panels to generate at least six times as much energy and that will save them considerable emissions.
This article illustrates the subtle concepts of different solar aspects. Solar conversion is a process that utilizes mirrors and reflectors to capture sunlight and energy. They can then store the energy and heat and use it for futures uses. The article is just a very interesting one and it explains how the different processes work.
There is a new company that is launching new technology. This new product will lower costs and possibly increase production at the same time. It has different DC models of power and is used in different facets. The company originated in 2007 and they now have 10M in assets. It is also a wireless system and has really cut down on different facets of the solar industry.
China is really increasing their efforts in becoming entirely reliant on solar technology. China has been selling products at or below market value in order to gain market share in the U.S. Even though China is really increasing their efforts, there is still much to be done. They are also building an assembly plant in the U.S.
This is an intriguing article that is talking about how a revolutionary solar panel, that is being worked on, will be able to cut costs by at least 50% and increase the efficiency in solar technology. It has a lighter weight and is therefore able to have more precise coordinates than a bigger solar panel. Plans are going well as there are already plans for a new 200M plant in New Mexico City. Hopes are that it will have a big impact on the Middle East region in late 2009 and then spread across the world from there.
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